Valerio Tavolazzi

7 lug 20213 min

Company policy: a fundamental requirement for Management Systems - Discover all the Benefits

Aggiornato il: 22 lug 2021

Why is a company policy always a requirement within a management system?

What are the benefits of defining and implementing the policy in a company?

I often have animated discussions with the leadership of client companies to demand a policy worthy of the name, and not a "copy and paste" of a third-party document, or a series of generic and mundane phrases written by the consultant.

The policy is the heading of your company ship, and you are putting it in the hands of people who have no knowledge of either winds or tides.

But first things first.

  • What is a company policy?

  • Why is it essential that the policy be written down and shared?

  • What are the benefits of a policy?

  • How should a policy be written?

  • For which issues should a policy be defined?

What is a company policy?

The policy, for the ISO standards on Management Systems, is the set of guidelines and directions of an organisation.

It is the course of action that guides the organisation towards agreed and accepted strategies and objectives.

It is the direct link that guarantees consistency between an organisation's "Vision" and its daily operations.

Policies identify key processes and provide an overall strategy for managers to guide their decisions as new challenges arise.

Why is it essential that the policy be written down and shared?

By writing it, you crystallise it, you remember it, you can communicate it, and you can improve it over time.

How did the Romans put it? Verba volant, scripta manent (words come and go; only the written word remains).

But then, is there really anything you feel you don't need to write down, especially when it comes to your professional activity?

I don't see why you should neglect the very top of your company's information pyramid: directions and guidelines.

If you share it, your colleagues can help you make it real and achieve your strategic goals.

If you don't tell them, it will be for your eyes only, a useless secret, a dream left lying around in a drawer somewhere.

Can a ship's captain hope to reach the destination of his voyage without informing his crew?

What are the benefits of a policy?

There are many important benefits of a policy designed, desired, written and communicated by Leadership:

  1. It allows leaders to identify the company's values and missions, thereby defining the identity of the organisation;

  2. It represents the guidelines for defining the objectives of an organisation and outlines the path to achieving these objectives by identifying the key activities;

  3. It establishes guidelines of behaviour, conduct and performance for employees;

  4. It ensures that the organisation's processes are aligned and consistent with each other and improve over time;

  5. It obliges staff to comply with its legal obligations, as in the case of an occupational health and safety policy.

How should a policy be written?

A good policy must be simple, concise and easily memorable.

This is because it is important that all employees know it and understand what it means and in what way their work can support it or not.

It should answer the following questions:

  1. Why: what were the reasons for founding the company?

  2. What: what does it want to achieve, what value does it want to produce for the market and society?

  3. How: what path do you want to take to achieve your goals?

For which issues should a policy be defined?

A company is, like it or not, involved in a lot of aspects that it has to manage.

Leadership should provide guidance for its staff on a variety of these factors, also using an integrated approach.

Examples include:

  • Quality

  • Environment

  • Energy

  • Employment

  • Occupational health and safety

  • Security

  • Privacy

  • Quality of life

  • Innovation

  • Legislative compliance

Bottom line

It is, therefore, clear how important the policy is within your company and how it can facilitate the achievement of your objectives and strategies.

And now have your consultant write it down! 😅
