Contacts | Iso Fai da Te
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Write to us for more information

Below you will find the list of scheduled webinars: they are all events aimed at entrepreneurs, consultants and system managers.

Our online training events last on average 45 minutes / 1 hour and are prepared to give practical and applicable information in the company immediately , thanks to an intensive and pragmatic approach.

We schedule them on Fridays at 4pm because this is generally a time when many people can attend even if they are in the office.

Nothing is sold to you, they are truly moments of study for those who want to deepen the world of certifications.

How to register:

To register, just choose the topic you prefer and click on register: you will find a more detailed program and the registration link.

In any case, instructions for accessing the webinar will be sent to you by email immediately after registration.

No events at the moment

See the recordings of past events

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ISO 9001 in pratica: progettazione e sviluppo

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ISO 9001 in pratica: sistema di gestione con Microsoft Teams

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ISO 9001 in pratica: KPI, valutazione e monitoraggio

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ISO 9001 in pratica: competenze e consapevolezza

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ISO 9001 in pratica: riesame e obiettivi efficaci

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ISO 9001 SMART path for small and medium-sized enterprises

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ISO 9001 in practice: context analysis and risk assessment

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ISO 9001 in pratica: focus sul cliente efficace

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ISO 9001 in pratica: La leadership efficace

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ISO 9001 in pratica: gestione efficace della catena di fornitura

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ISO 9001 in pratica: sistemi di gestione integrati e sostenibilità

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ISO 9001 in pratica: le leve per rendere i tuoi processi eccellenti

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ISO 9001 in practice: how to conduct effective audits


How to get certified ISO 9001 independently


Contact details

Tel. +39 3756771907


Address: Via Calzolai 184 - Ferrara

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ISOFAIDATE is a trademark of TMC Management Consulting Sas di Tavolazzi Valerio e C. - Via Calzolai 184 Ferrara - Italy

CF - VAT number: IT01750310383 - Registration no. Reg. Imp. 01750310383; N ° Rea 194530 - Credits

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